
Curriculum Vitae

Please click here for a recent curriculum vitae (november 2023) [pdf].


Selected Media Articles

Reuters: Scientist beams up a real “Star Trek” tricorder
Broadly syndicated in international media, from the Huffington Post to the Sydney Morning Herald

Forbes: Tricorder Update — Social Medicine is the Next Big Thing After Social Media

Mythbusters Jamie & Adam’s TESTED.COM: Maker Profile: Peter Jansen’s Tricorder Project

University of Arizona News: Attention, Trekkies: Get your Tricorders here

Washington Post: Homemade tricorders and handheld health care

TechCrunch: A Chicken In Every Pot And An Open-Source Tricorder In Every Home

Ars Technica: Researcher publishes specs for real Linux-powered Star Trek tricorder
“I can’t help but wonder if Jansen is really a time traveler, borrowing Berlinghoff Rasmussen’s business model.”

NASA.GOV: From Star Trek to SCOUT: The Story of a Real-World Medical Tricorder

WIRED (UK): Researcher publishes specs for real Linux-powered Star Trek tricorder

PBS Arizona (TV): Technology and Innovation: A Working Tricorder

THE VERGE: Scientist designs and shares open-source plans for real-world Tricorders

Engadget: Tricorder designs go open course: can detect magnetic fields, reveal Trekkies
“Dr. Jansen’s hope is to make scientists out of everyone — including your kids.”

Bloomberg: Star Trek’s Tricorders are Almost Here

BoingBoing (Cory Doctorow): Open source “tricorders”: handheld sensor packages for everyone

International Business Times: Star Trek-like Tricorder Now a Reality: Why We’re so Excited?

CBC: `Tricorder’ project seeks helping hands Cognitive researcher designs and builds a real-world modular working tricorder
“Thus, it’s not hard to imagine geologists someday soon standing next to an active volcano pulling out one of these customized tricorders, to measure gases in the air they’re breathing, or to see kids, as Jansen describes, programming their own modules to measure important things in their environment…” Star Trekkin’ IRL: The Iconic Tricorder Actually Exists

Smithsonian: A List of All the Times People Have Tried to Build a Working Tricorder

Gizmodo: The World Gets One Step Closer To a Working Tricorder

IEEE Spectrum: Make It So: Open Source, Arduino-Based Tricorder Nears Completion

CNET Tomorrow Daily (TV): An Arduino Tricorder

ZDNet Smart Planet: How to make your own tricorder

MSNBC: Star Trek-like open-source tricorder sees magnetic fields and more [broken link] Ein Erfinder hat den Tricorder aus “Star Trek” nachgebaut (German)

MAKE Magazine: Open-Source CT Scanner Tricorder Project Releases Prototype Open Source 3D Printable Spectrometer

ExtremeTech: DIY CT scanner built for price of one commercial scan”>

National Society of Black Engineers: Star Trek Inspires NSBE Space Project

Giyism: Nerds invent tricorder, of course it runs on Linux
“It was really only a matter of time.”

Tech the Future: Open Hardware Tricorder may take its Maker into Space


UA News: Students in Engineering and the iSchool Discover Sweet Success

SBS News: Students in iSchool Course Create Skittle Sorting Machines!

Engineering News: Makerspace Means Sweet Succes for Students Engaged in Engineering Design

Daily Wildcat: Eureka: UA Maker Class Challenges Student Engineers